
Glas Blueberry Cake 60ml

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So, there I was, scrolling through my phone, and I stumbled upon this ad for Glas Blueberry Cake e-juice. Being an absolute sucker for anything blueberry-flavored, my taste buds did a little happy dance. I thought, 'Finally, a cake that I can enjoy without the calories!' Without a second thought, I placed my order, daydreaming about that sweet, blueberry cake flavor.A few days later, my package arrived. I tore into it like a kid on Christmas morning, only to find... a tiny bottle of vape juice. There I was, staring at it, feeling both amused and a bit silly. It finally dawned on me – it wasn’t an actual cake, but e-juice for vaping!I laughed at myself for the mix-up. Not wanting it to go to waste, I called up my buddy, who's big into vaping, and told him about my little blunder. He came over, and I handed him the bottle. The look on his face after the first puff was priceless – he was in flavor heaven!To make up for my cake cravings, I ended up baking a real blueberry cake. When my buddy came over again, we had a good laugh about my misadventure. We spent the evening enjoying the cake and him vaping the Glas Blueberry Cake e-juice, which, according to him, was spot on with its flavor profile.So, what started as a comical misunderstanding turned into a delightful evening with a friend, sharing cake and stories. And yes, I did get a tiny puff of that e-juice – it was like a blueberry cake party in my mouth!