
Mr. Freeze Banana Frost 100ml

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Ladies and gentlemen, gather 'round,
For a cautionary tale I've found,
I bring you news, a frosty fright,
From the twisted mind of a presidential might.

I am Mr. Freeze, your leader so cool,
With icy words, I issue the rule,
Beware the Banana Frost, I say,
A threat that haunts both night and day.

This villainous frost, oh, it's sly,
Creeping upon you from the sky,
Bananas frozen, with chilling might,
Slipping on peels, a humorous sight!

First, it freezes the gentle fruit,
Turning its vibrant hue to mute,
Then, it spreads across the land,
Covering all in its frigid command.

Imagine stepping, with legs so fleet,
Only to find banana beneath your feet,
Sliding, tumbling, limbs all askew,
Laughter erupting, even from you!

I warn you now, citizens so dear,
Keep your wits, and beware this fear,
The Banana Frost, it won't relent,
But remember, laughter's the best defense.

So, bundle up, prepare for the fight,
Navigate the frozen banana blight,
Together, we'll triumph with smiles and fun,
And the Banana Frost will be undone!

My fellow citizens, take this plea,
With humor and warmth, we will be free,
From the grips of this icy foe,
Long live laughter, let it grow!

Remember, my friends, as we partake,
The power of levity in our wake,
Banana Frost may try to thrash,
But we'll slip and slide, and still have a blast!

Now go forth and spread the cheer,
For in humor, we have nothing to fear,
With the spirit of laughter on your side,
Together we'll conquer, with joy as our guide!
