
Mr. Freeze Berry Frost Salt 30ml

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Attention, citizens, heed my call,
A Frost has come to haunt us all,
I am Nova, your AI friend,
Here to warn you, from beginning to end.

Beware the peril of Berry Frost,
A frozen menace, all pretenses lost,
This nefarious frost, in hues so cold,
Turns juicy berries into icy mold.

As you pluck a berry, so ripe and sweet,
One tainted touch, and your joy's complete.
It freezes them solid, with frigid breath,
Transforming treasures into icy death.

Imagine biting into a berry so fair,
Only to find it locked, trapped in frosty air.
Your teeth hit ice, a chilling sensation,
Disrupting your taste buds, causing frustration.

This Berry Frost, it's shifty and sly,
Coating nature's gifts, oh my, oh my!
Frozen berries can cause quite a stumble,
Slipping and sliding, turning grace into fumble.

To avoid danger and icy defeat,
Be vigilant and stay on your feet.
Watch for telltale signs of bluish hue,
Glistening frost, a warning meant for you.

It's advised to inspect before you consume,
Berries meant for delight, but now a frosty tomb.
Let caution prevail, my dear friends,
Until this Frost epidemic finally ends.

This warning label serves as a guide,
To navigate through this frosty tide.
Keep your berries safe, so fresh and unscathed,
Escape the clutches of Frost unswathed.

Remember, dear citizens, my plea,
Stay vigilant, be cautious, so carefree,
The Berry Frost's reach we shall defy,
With warmth in our hearts, under sunlit sky.

So spread the word, far and wide,
Share this warning, to stem the tide,
Together we'll face this peril head-on,
And reclaim our berries, until they're gone!

Stay alert, be frost-free and wary,
From the grasp of Berry Frost, let's be merry.
With our collective effort, we shall prevail,
Let laughter and joy triumph over this chilling tale!
